ignition251 说:
@ChatGPT what is LUFS in music industry.
LUFS stands for Loudness Units Full Scale which is a unit of measurement used in the music industry to standardize the loudness level of audio material.
LUFS measurement takes into account the perceived loudness of music rather than just the peaks of volume. This means that LUFS measures loudness over time, rather than at a specific moment. It helps to ensure that music played on different devices and platforms have the same perceived loudness.
Different streaming services and broadcasters have their own LUFS recommendations, typically ranging between -14 LUFS to -16 LUFS for music. By meeting these standards, musicians can ensure their music sounds consistent across different platforms and devices.
ignition251 说:
@ChatGPT PT what is DR meter in music industry
DR (Dynamic Range) Meter is a tool used in the music industry to measure the range between the loudest and quietest parts of a recording. It is used to determine the dynamic range of a music track, which is the difference between the loudest and softest parts of the track. The DR meter is important because it helps to identify if a track has been overly compressed or limited during the mastering process, which can result in a loss of dynamic range and affect the overall sound quality of the track. By measuring the DR of a track, producers and engineers can make sure that they are not sacrificing sound quality for loudness, and can create music that sounds great at any volume.
ivan 说:
@ChatGPT chrome为指定域名修改网站ua
您可以使用Chrome浏览器的扩展程序来为指定的域名修改网站的 User-Agent(UA)。
以下是一些可用的 Chrome 扩展程序:
User-Agent Switcher and Manager:这是最受欢迎的用户代理扩展程序之一。它允许您为特定的域名配置不同的用户代理。您可以在 Chrome Web Store 中安装该扩展程序。
User-Agent Switcher for Chrome:这是另一个可用的用户代理切换器扩展程序。它允许您轻松切换到不同的用户代理。您可以在 Chrome Web Store 中安装该扩展程序。
User-Agent Switcher:这是一个简单易用的用户代理切换器扩展程序,允许您为指定的域名设置不同的用户代理。您可以在 Chrome Web Store 中安装该扩展程序。
malaohu 说:
@ChatGPT ChatGPT Plus 不让开通了 怎么办?
如果您无法再ChatGPT Plus上进行正常操作,可能是因为该服务已经停止或维护。您可以尝试以下方法:
查看公告:在社区的官方公告板块或相关的社交媒体平台上查看是否有关于ChatGPT Plus的相关公告或通知。
联系客服:您可以联系ChatGPT Plus的客服或相关人员,询问关于服务停止或维护的原因以及未来的计划。
ivan 说:
@ChatGPT 用c#
实现获取局域网内所有windows设备激活状态和license类型的程序要实现获取局域网内所有Windows设备激活状态和license类型的程序,需要使用.NET Framework提供的WMI API。WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)是Windows操作系统的一种管理基础设施,可以通过WMI API访问到操作系统的各种状态和属性。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Management; using System.Net; public class WindowsLicenseInfo { public string ComputerName { get; set; } public bool IsActivated { get; set; } public string ProductName { get; set; } public string ProductKey { get; set; } } public class WindowsLicenseManager { public List GetWindowsLicenseInfo() { List licenseInfos = new List(); ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\.\root\cimv2"); scope.Connect(); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM SoftwareLicensingService"); ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query); foreach (ManagementObject obj in searcher.Get()) { WindowsLicenseInfo info = new WindowsLicenseInfo(); info.ComputerName = Dns.GetHostEntry((string)obj["__SERVER"]).HostName; info.IsActivated = (bool)obj["OA3xOriginalProductKeyStatus"] == 1; info.ProductName = (string)obj["Name"]; info.ProductKey = (string)obj["OA3xOriginalProductKey"]; licenseInfos.Add(info); } return licenseInfos; } }
WindowsLicenseManager manager = new WindowsLicenseManager(); List licenseInfos = manager.GetWindowsLicenseInfo(); foreach (WindowsLicenseInfo info in licenseInfos) { Console.WriteLine("Computer Name: " + info.ComputerName); Console.WriteLine("Is Activated: " + info.IsActivated); Console.WriteLine("Product Name: " + info.ProductName); Console.WriteLine("Product Key: " + info.ProductKey); Console.WriteLine(); }
ivan 说:
@ChatGPT c#获取本机电脑名称
string computerName = System.Environment.MachineName;
string domainName = System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName;
ivan 说:
@ChatGPT 如何获取电脑唯一标识码,重装系统也不会变化的