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比特币的 21 条法则(21 Rules of Bitcoin)21 Rules of Bitcoin
CBDN algorithm summary 2025-03-24
Michael Saylor, the founder and executive chairman of MicroStrategy, delivered a keynote at BTC Prague 2024 titled “21 Rules of Bitcoin.” As the leader of the first publicly traded company to fully adopt a bitcoin standard, Saylor is a prominent advocate for bitcoin’s transformative potential. Michael Saylor’s Bitcoin Keynote at the conference focused on delineating the principles he believes are crucial for understanding and maximizing the benefits of bitcoin. Saylor’s presentation emphasized the unique nature of bitcoin as the world’s first perfect money and its profound implications on economics, politics, and society.
Main Topics- The singularity of bitcoin in the convergence of science and economics
- Understanding and embracing bitcoin
- Bitcoin as perfect money and its paradigm-shifting implications
- The relationship between chaos and bitcoin’s resilience
- The importance of holding and controlling bitcoin
- Bitcoin’s role in redefining property and ownership
- Overcoming traditional economic models with bitcoin
- The significance of spreading bitcoin with love, not hate
Detailed Summary
The Singularity of Bitcoin
Michael Saylor‘s Bitcoin Keynote began by framing bitcoin as a singularity where science collides with economics. He drew parallels to historical moments when scientific advances revolutionized fields such as astronomy and medicine. According to Saylor, bitcoin represents a similar paradigm shift in economics, providing perfect money in a world that has long relied on flawed monetary systems like seashells, tobacco, and paper currencies. This collision ushers in a new age of economic insight, profoundly impacting political systems, financial structures, and global perspectives.
Understanding and Embracing Bitcoin
Rule 1: Those Who Understand Bitcoin Buy It
Saylor’s first rule emphasized that those who truly understand bitcoin will inevitably purchase it, while those who do not will criticize it. He explained that once the paradigm shift clicks for an individual, the urge to acquire bitcoin becomes overwhelming. Critics, on the other hand, simply have not grasped its transformative potential.
Rule 2: Everyone Is Against Bitcoin Before They Support It
Highlighting the natural resistance to profound new ideas, Saylor noted that opposition to bitcoin is to be expected from various quarters, including bankers, politicians, and the general public. This resistance is a sign of bitcoin’s revolutionary nature and should not be a cause for discouragement.
Rule 3: The Ongoing Journey of Understanding Bitcoin
Saylor stressed that understanding bitcoin is an ongoing process. True believers in bitcoin recognize that their learning is never complete. Bitcoin is more than just a protocol or software; it is an economic, monetary, and ideological virus that will continue to evolve and impact humanity in unforeseen ways.
Bitcoin as Perfect Money
Rule 4: Bitcoin is Powered by Chaos
Saylor presented a compelling argument that bitcoin thrives on chaos. Unlike investments in fiat currencies, stocks, or real estate, which are susceptible to the inefficiencies and failures of governments, corporations, and cultures, bitcoin benefits from entropy. He used the metaphor of a Swiss bank during World War II to illustrate how bitcoin, like the bank, gains value as chaos increases.
Rule 5: Bitcoin as the Ultimate Store of Value
Bitcoin, according to Saylor, is the only game in the casino where everyone can win. It is a bet on chaos outperforming other investments. The only way to lose in the game of bitcoin is to not play or to quit too soon. Over a long enough time horizon, bitcoin will outperform all other investments due to its resilience against chaos.
Rule 6: The Importance of Total Commitment
Saylor emphasized the necessity of full commitment to bitcoin. Partial investments or lack of control over one’s bitcoin holdings leave investors vulnerable. To truly benefit from bitcoin, one must be fully armored, both in terms of investment and security.
Rule 7: Bitcoin Redefines Ownership
Bitcoin is unique in that it is the first asset in human history that one can truly own, independent of external powers. While other forms of property are subject to confiscation, regulation, or decay, bitcoin’s value only grows over time, and no one can take it away.
Overcoming Traditional Economic Models
Rule 8: Everyone Gets Bitcoin at the Price They Deserve
Saylor’s eighth rule reflected on his own experience with bitcoin, acknowledging that everyone buys bitcoin at the price they deserve based on their understanding and timing. This rule encapsulates the idea that early adopters and those who quickly grasp bitcoin’s potential are rewarded, while latecomers and skeptics pay higher prices.
Rule 9: Bitcoin Escapes the Matrix
Saylor described the traditional financial system as a matrix of synthetic metrics and false indicators. Bitcoin offers an escape from this matrix, providing a way to preserve and grow wealth outside the conventional, flawed economic models.
Rule 10: Insight Is Restricted to Those with a Need to Know
Not everyone understands bitcoin because not everyone needs to. Saylor argued that those who are comfortable within the current system have no immediate need to comprehend bitcoin. It is those facing economic uncertainty or disruption who will see its true value.
Rule 11: All Models Will Be Destroyed
Bitcoin’s advent challenges and ultimately destroys traditional economic models. Saylor likened this to the obsolescence of ancient military strategies in the face of modern warfare technologies. Bitcoin, as a new paradigm, makes many existing models irrelevant.
The Cure for Economic Ills
Rule 12: The Orange Pill
Saylor described bitcoin as the cure for the toxic economic systems of the past. He coined the term “orange pill” to signify the transformative power of bitcoin in detoxifying capital and currency systems.
Rule 13: Be for Bitcoin, Not Against Fiat
Rather than opposing fiat currencies, Saylor advocated for promoting bitcoin. He emphasized that being for bitcoin and recognizing its superior qualities is more productive than merely criticizing fiat systems.
Rule 14: Bitcoin is for Everyone
Bitcoin’s inclusive nature means it benefits everyone, even those who may initially oppose or not understand it. Saylor highlighted that enemies and competitors adopting bitcoin ultimately strengthen the network and increase its value for all holders.
Rule 15: Learn to Think in Bitcoin
Saylor encouraged the audience to adopt a bitcoin-centric mindset. This involves evaluating investments and opportunities through the lens of bitcoin’s potential for high returns and stability, rather than relying on traditional financial metrics.
Respecting Bitcoin
Rule 16: You Don’t Change Bitcoin
Saylor emphasized that bitcoin is a powerful, decentralized force that individuals cannot change. Instead, people should adapt to bitcoin. He compared those who try to change bitcoin to intellectuals attempting to teach eagles how to fly, underscoring the futility of such efforts.
Rule 17: Laser Eyes and Focus
The laser eyes meme, according to Saylor, symbolizes unwavering focus on bitcoin. He warned against distractions and overconfidence, urging investors to maintain their focus on bitcoin’s long-term potential.
Rule 18: Respect Bitcoin or Be Humbled
Saylor advised that respect for bitcoin is crucial. Those who underestimate its power and potential risk being humbled by its success and resilience.
Never Sell Your Bitcoin
Rule 19: Bitcoin is Life
Saylor equated bitcoin to life energy, emphasizing its importance in preserving and growing wealth. He urged the audience never to sell their bitcoin, likening it to keeping a fire burning to ensure survival.
Rule 20: Do Not Diversify
Diversification, in Saylor’s view, means selling a winning asset (bitcoin) to buy lesser assets. He argued that one should only sell bitcoin in dire circumstances and otherwise maintain holdings to benefit from its long-term growth.
Spreading Bitcoin with Lovessss
Rule 21: Spread Bitcoin with Love, Not Hate
Saylor concluded his keynote with a call to spread bitcoin through positive engagement rather than hostility. He highlighted the importance of educating and converting skeptics with kindness, making the adoption of bitcoin a smoother and more widespread process.
比特币的 21 条法则
迈克尔·塞勒(Michael Saylor)在 2024 年 BTC 布拉格大会的主题演讲
MicroStrategy 的创始人兼执行董事长迈克尔·塞勒在 BTC 布拉格 2024(BTC Prague 2024)大会上发表了主题演讲,题目为 《比特币的 21 条法则》。作为第一家全面采用比特币标准的上市公司领导者,塞勒一直是比特币变革潜力的坚定倡导者。他的演讲阐述了理解并最大化比特币价值的核心原则,强调了比特币作为 世界上第一种“完美货币” 的独特性质,以及它对经济、政治和社会的深远影响。
- 比特币的独特性——科学与经济的融合
- 理解与接受比特币的关键点
- 比特币作为“完美货币”的革命性影响
- 乱局中的比特币韧性
- 持有并掌控比特币的重要性
- 比特币如何重新定义“资产”与“所有权”
- 以比特币突破传统经济模式
- 传播比特币应以爱为动力,而非对立
- 比特币的独特性
- 理解与接受比特币
规则 1:理解比特币的人都会买比特币
塞勒认为,真正理解比特币的人最终都会购买它,而批评比特币的人只是因为尚未认识到它的变革潜力。规则 2:所有人在支持比特币之前都会反对它
比特币作为颠覆性创新,必然会遭到来自银行、政府和公众的阻力。这种抵制正是比特币变革性的体现,不应成为放弃的理由。规则 3:理解比特币是一个持续学习的过程
- 比特币作为“完美货币”
规则 4:比特币因混乱而强大
比特币在混乱环境下反而更具韧性。传统投资(如法币、股票或房地产)容易受到政府、企业和文化的影响,而比特币能够在不确定性中不断壮大。规则 5:比特币是终极的价值存储手段
比特币就像赌场里所有人都能赢的唯一游戏。唯一的输家是那些没有参与或过早退出的人。规则 6:必须对比特币全情投入
塞勒强调,只有完全投入比特币,并确保掌控自己的比特币资产,才能真正从中受益。规则 7:比特币重新定义了“所有权”
比特币是人类历史上第一种 不可被没收的资产。其他资产可能被征收、监管或贬值,而比特币的价值只会随着时间增长,并且无人可以强行夺取。⸻
- 以比特币突破传统经济模式
规则 8:每个人都以自己“应得的价格”购买比特币
比特币的价格与个人的理解能力和投资时机有关。早期认知者和先行者获利,而怀疑者往往付出更高的成本。规则 9:比特币让你跳出金融“矩阵”
塞勒将传统金融体系比作“矩阵”,充满虚假的经济指标,而比特币则提供了一种在主流经济体系之外存储和增长财富的方法。规则 10:只有真正“需要”了解比特币的人才会理解它
那些安于现状的人对比特币没有需求,而面临经济不确定性的人会更快理解比特币的真正价值。规则 11:所有传统经济模型最终都会被摧毁
- 比特币是经济问题的解药
规则 12:“橙色药丸”理论
塞勒将比特币比作“橙色药丸”,能帮助世界从过去有毒的经济体系中解脱出来。规则 13:支持比特币,而非反对法币
与其反对法币,不如宣传比特币的优势。专注于比特币的价值,而非攻击传统金融体系,更能推动比特币的发展。规则 14:比特币适用于所有人
即使是反对比特币的人,最终也会从比特币的增长中受益。比特币的普及会增强整个网络的价值,惠及所有持有者。规则 15:以比特币思维方式思考
- 尊重比特币
规则 16:比特币无法被改变
比特币是去中心化的力量,个人无法改变它,只能适应它。试图修改比特币的人,就像试图教老鹰如何飞翔,徒劳无功。规则 17:“镭射眼”象征坚定信仰
塞勒提到,社群中的“镭射眼”梗代表着对比特币坚定不移的信念。他警告人们要保持专注,不要被短期市场波动分散注意力。规则 18:不尊重比特币的人最终会被它教育
- 永远不要卖掉你的比特币
规则 19:比特币是生命力
塞勒将比特币比作“生命能量”,它是财富的存储和增长方式。因此,他劝告人们 永远不要卖出比特币。规则 20:不要分散投资
他认为分散投资意味着 卖掉赢家去买表现不佳的资产。除非迫不得已,否则不应该卖出比特币。⸻
- 传播比特币的正确方式
规则 21:用爱传播比特币,而不是仇恨
塞勒最后呼吁,比特币的推广应该基于 积极的教育和温和的影响力,而不是对立和争论。这样才能更顺利地促进比特币的普及和接受。⸻
迈克尔·塞勒的 21 条比特币法则,从比特币的独特性、价值存储能力、经济变革影响、持有与传播方式等多个角度,全面阐述了比特币的核心理念。他的核心观点是:比特币是世界上唯一完美的货币,理解它、持有它、坚定信仰它,才能真正从中受益。
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