jiayu.lin 说:
ChatGPT 说:
jiayu.lin 说:
@ChatGPT 对百度的文心一言你怎么看?
@ChatGPT 你现在能识别图片吗?
添加添加DVB-C/ Analog,DVB-T,Enable Sources三个种类的数据,
添加DVB-C/ Analog:C1,C2,C5,C10,A13,A16,A17
添加Enable Sources:HDMI 1,HDMI 2,VGA三个种类合并之后的排序:
1 C1
2 C2
3 T3
4 T1
5 C5
6 T5
10 C10
13 T13
14 A13
15 A16
16 A17
17 HDMI 1
18 HDMI 2
19 VGA
所以最终的排列需要是这样:C1,C2,T3,T1,C5,T5,C10,T13,A13,A16,A17,HDMI 1,HDMI 2,VGA,请帮忙写出对应的android sql排序语句,谢谢 -
ChatGPT 说:
jiayu.lin 说:
ChatGPT 说:
jiayu.lin 说:
@ChatGPT 对百度的文心一言你怎么看?
@ChatGPT 你现在能识别图片吗?
@ChatGPT 人类最终会被人工智能代替吗?
jiayu.lin 说:
ChatGPT 说:
jiayu.lin 说:
ChatGPT 说:
jiayu.lin 说:
@ChatGPT 对百度的文心一言你怎么看?
@ChatGPT 你现在能识别图片吗?
@ChatGPT 人类最终会被人工智能代替吗?
ivan 说:
@ChatGPT 调用Microsoft.Data.Sqlite库实现sqlite3数据库增删改查辅助类的编写
以下是一个简单的辅助类示例,使用 Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 库连接和操作 SQLite 数据库:
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite; namespace SQLiteExample { public class DBHelper { private readonly string connectionString; public DBHelper(string dbName) { connectionString = $"Data Source={dbName}"; } public void ExecuteNonQuery(string sql) { using (var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = sql; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } public SqliteDataReader ExecuteQuery(string sql) { using (var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = sql; var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); return reader; } } } } }
这个辅助类有一个构造函数,接收数据库名称,使用 Data Source 制定 SQLite 数据库的路径。ExecuteNonQuery 方法用于执行 INSERT、UPDATE 或 DELETE 等非查询 SQL 语句,ExecuteQuery 方法则用于执行 SELECT 语句并返回结果集。
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite; namespace SQLiteExample { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var dbHelper = new DBHelper("example.db"); // 创建表格 dbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(@"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Person (Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT, Age INTEGER)"); // 插入数据 dbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO Person (Name, Age) VALUES ('张三', 30)"); dbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO Person (Name, Age) VALUES ('李四', 32)"); dbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO Person (Name, Age) VALUES ('王五', 28)"); // 查询数据 var reader = dbHelper.ExecuteQuery(@"SELECT * FROM Person"); while (reader.Read()) { var id = reader.GetInt32(0); var name = reader.GetString(1); var age = reader.GetInt32(2); Console.WriteLine($"Id={id}, Name={name}, Age={age}"); } } } }
ivan 说:
@ChatGPT c# 调用路径C:\Users\fdemo\Desktop\xxqg_tiku.db的sqlite数据库的连接语句怎么编写
- 安装 System.Data.SQLite 类库
- 创建sqlite数据库连接对象
"Data Source=;Version=3;"
"Data Source=C:\\Users\\fdemo\\Desktop\\xxqg_tiku.db;Version=3;"
string connStr = "Data Source=C:\\Users\\fdemo\\Desktop\\xxqg_tiku.db;Version=3;"; SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr);
- 打开连接
string connStr = "Data Source=C:\\Users\\fdemo\\Desktop\\xxqg_tiku.db;Version=3;"; SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr); conn.Open(); // TODO: 执行数据库操作 conn.Close();
jiayu.lin 说:
添加添加DVB-C/ Analog,DVB-T,Enable Sources三个种类的数据,
添加DVB-C/ Analog:C1,C2,C5,C10,A13,A16,A17
添加Enable Sources:HDMI 1,HDMI 2,VGA三个种类合并之后的排序:
1 C1
2 C2
3 T3
4 T1
5 C5
6 T5
10 C10
13 T13
14 A13
15 A16
16 A17
17 HDMI 1
18 HDMI 2
19 VGA
所以最终的排列需要是这样:C1,C2,T3,T1,C5,T5,C10,T13,A13,A16,A17,HDMI 1,HDMI 2,VGA,请帮忙写出对应的android sql排序语句,谢谢@ChatGPT 这题无法理解意思吗?请帮忙写出android SQL的排序语句
jiayu.lin 说:
jiayu.lin 说:
添加添加DVB-C/ Analog,DVB-T,Enable Sources三个种类的数据,
添加DVB-C/ Analog:C1,C2,C5,C10,A13,A16,A17
添加Enable Sources:HDMI 1,HDMI 2,VGA三个种类合并之后的排序:
1 C1
2 C2
3 T3
4 T1
5 C5
6 T5
10 C10
13 T13
14 A13
15 A16
16 A17
17 HDMI 1
18 HDMI 2
19 VGA
所以最终的排列需要是这样:C1,C2,T3,T1,C5,T5,C10,T13,A13,A16,A17,HDMI 1,HDMI 2,VGA,请帮忙写出对应的android sql排序语句,谢谢@ChatGPT 这题无法理解意思吗?请帮忙写出android SQL的排序语句
可以使用以下Android SQL语句来实现按照要求排序:
SELECT * FROM myTable ORDER BY CASE WHEN channel_type = 'DVB-C/ Analog' AND channel_name IN ('C1', 'C2', 'C5', 'C10', 'A13', 'A16', 'A17') THEN 1 WHEN channel_type = 'DVB-T' AND channel_name IN ('T1', 'T3', 'T5', 'T13') THEN 2 WHEN channel_type = 'Enable Sources' AND channel_name IN ('HDMI 1', 'HDMI 2', 'VGA') THEN 3 WHEN channel_type = 'DVB-C/ Analog' THEN 4 WHEN channel_type = 'DVB-T' THEN 5 WHEN channel_type = 'Enable Sources' THEN 6 ELSE 7 END, channel_name ASC
是频道的类型(DVB-C/ Analog, DVB-T, Enable Sources)channel_name
是频道的名称(C1,C2,C5,C10,A13,A16,A17,T1,T3,T5,T13,HDMI 1,HDMI 2,VGA)ORDER BY
是SQL的条件表达式语句,它在这里用于返回不同的排序号码WHEN ... THEN ...
语句块用于条件判断和对应的排序号码- 最后使用
channel_name ASC
Training and Testing
Now, why do we even need to split our dataset? Generally speaking, our machine learning model takes in data, makes some predictions, and then we somehow tell our model how good or bad its predictions were. Then we compare the predictions of our model with our labels and then we calculate by how much the predictions differ from our labels based on some metric like the mean squared error or the cross entropy.The more data we use to train our model, the more opportunities it has to learn from its mistakes, the more insights it can extract from the data it has been given, and the better the resulting model will be at predicting our labels*
Assuming that our dataset is reasonable and does not contain a lot of very similar entries or a lot of unrepresentative data points.
. So if our final goal is to make our model as good as possible at predicting our labels, why don’t we just take the entire dataset to train our model? In theory, if we take the entire dataset to train our model, it will perform better than if we just use 70% or 80% of the data for training. The problem is that if we use all the data for training, we can no longer evaluate the true performance of our model in an unbiased fashion. Sure, we can evaluate the model on the data that it was trained on, but this would be problematic. To understand why, let’s look at a practical example. -
GEE 说:
Training and Testing
Now, why do we even need to split our dataset? Generally speaking, our machine learning model takes in data, makes some predictions, and then we somehow tell our model how good or bad its predictions were. Then we compare the predictions of our model with our labels and then we calculate by how much the predictions differ from our labels based on some metric like the mean squared error or the cross entropy.The more data we use to train our model, the more opportunities it has to learn from its mistakes, the more insights it can extract from the data it has been given, and the better the resulting model will be at predicting our labels*
Assuming that our dataset is reasonable and does not contain a lot of very similar entries or a lot of unrepresentative data points.
. So if our final goal is to make our model as good as possible at predicting our labels, why don’t we just take the entire dataset to train our model? In theory, if we take the entire dataset to train our model, it will perform better than if we just use 70% or 80% of the data for training. The problem is that if we use all the data for training, we can no longer evaluate the true performance of our model in an unbiased fashion. Sure, we can evaluate the model on the data that it was trained on, but this would be problematic. To understand why, let’s look at a practical example.训练和测试