ivan 说:
@ChatGPT Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 在.net core下运行正常,在.netframework下运行失败怎么解决
Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 是一个用于.NET应用程序中使用 SQLite 数据库的库,该库支持在 .NET Core 和 .NET Framework 中运行。如果您的应用程序在 .NET Core 中运行正常,但在 .NET Framework 下失败,可能是因为以下原因之一:
依赖项不匹配:确保您在 .NET Framework 中使用的是适当的依赖项版本。在 .NET Core 和 .NET Framework 中使用的依赖项可能会有所不同。请参阅库文档以获取适当的依赖项版本。
运行时版本不同:.NET Core 和 .NET Framework 运行时版本可能会有所不同。确保您在正确的 .NET Framework 版本中使用 Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 库以保证兼容性。
其他问题:某些情况下,问题可能不容易识别。您可以尝试在程序中使用调试器,或者在 .NET Framework 上重新构建您的应用程序以获得更详细的错误消息,以便更好地诊断问题。
总之,检查依赖项版本和运行时版本是否正确,并使用调试器进行诊断可能有助于解决 Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 在 .NET Framework 中运行失败的问题。
@ChatGPT 帮我翻译:
We now use polynomial regression to predict the number of points achieved based on the number of hours studied. Now we might choose to use a very complicated model and see how it performs. As an example, here’s how a polynomial regression with a degree of 15 looks like: -
GEE 说:
@ChatGPT 帮我翻译:
We now use polynomial regression to predict the number of points achieved based on the number of hours studied. Now we might choose to use a very complicated model and see how it performs. As an example, here’s how a polynomial regression with a degree of 15 looks like:我们现在使用多项式回归来预测所学习的时数与获得的分数之间的关系。现在我们可能会选择使用一个非常复杂的模型来查看它的表现。例如,下面是一个15次多项式回归的样式。
As you see, this model has a very low error (it has a root mean squared error, or RMSE, of about 4.93). In other terms, it has very low bias. However, this model also has a very high variance. After reading the article about bias and variance, we can say that this model is overfit.This becomes even clearer when we split our dataset into a training portion and a testing portion. We still use our overfit model, but this time we train it only on the training data and then evaluate its performance both on the train set as well as the test set. This allows us to reason about the variance of this particular model. Take a look at the following plot:
GEE 说:
As you see, this model has a very low error (it has a root mean squared error, or RMSE, of about 4.93). In other terms, it has very low bias. However, this model also has a very high variance. After reading the article about bias and variance, we can say that this model is overfit.This becomes even clearer when we split our dataset into a training portion and a testing portion. We still use our overfit model, but this time we train it only on the training data and then evaluate its performance both on the train set as well as the test set. This allows us to reason about the variance of this particular model. Take a look at the following plot:
哎呀, OpenAI接口可能出问题了,请稍后再试!我这就PM站长~ @malaohu
As you see, this model has a very low error (it has a root mean squared error, or RMSE, of about 4.93). In other terms, it has very low bias. However, this model also has a very high variance. After reading the article about bias and variance, we can say that this model is overfit.This becomes even clearer when we split our dataset into a training portion and a testing portion. We still use our overfit model, but this time we train it only on the training data and then evaluate its performance both on the train set as well as the test set. This allows us to reason about the variance of this particular model. Take a look at the following plot:
GEE 说:
As you see, this model has a very low error (it has a root mean squared error, or RMSE, of about 4.93). In other terms, it has very low bias. However, this model also has a very high variance. After reading the article about bias and variance, we can say that this model is overfit.This becomes even clearer when we split our dataset into a training portion and a testing portion. We still use our overfit model, but this time we train it only on the training data and then evaluate its performance both on the train set as well as the test set. This allows us to reason about the variance of this particular model. Take a look at the following plot:
malaohu 说:
@ChatGPT 8小时睡眠论可能是错的?
ivan 说:
@ChatGPT 筛选出list集合中包含某个字符串的字符串
#include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { list strList = {"hello", "world", "chatbot", "jike", "ai"}; string searchStr = "bot"; auto it = find_if(strList.begin(), strList.end(), [searchStr](const string& str) { return str.find(searchStr) != string::npos; }); while (it != strList.end()) { cout strList和一个要查找的字符串searchStr,我们使用了STL中的`find_if`函数,通过Lambda表达式来检查每个字符串是否包含searchStr。 find_if返回的迭代器指向第一个符合条件的元素。我们使用while循环来打印所有满足条件的字符串。最后的输出如下所示:
ivan 说:
@ChatGPT 用c#筛选出list集合中包含某个字符串的字符串
你可以使用 LINQ 查询语句来筛选出 List 集合中包含某个字符串的字符串,以下是示例代码:
List myList = new List(); myList.Add("apple"); myList.Add("banana"); myList.Add("orange"); string searchStr = "ap"; IEnumerable result = myList.Where(s => s.Contains(searchStr)); foreach (string s in result) { Console.WriteLine(s); }
在上面的示例代码中,我们首先创建了一个名为“myList”的 List 集合并向其中添加了一些字符串。然后定义了一个名为“searchStr”的字符串变量并初始化为要搜索的字符串。接着使用 LINQ 查询语句筛选出了 List 集合中包含“searchStr”的字符串,并将结果存储在名为“result”的 IEnumerable 变量中。最后遍历“result”变量并输出筛选结果。
注意:如果你在使用上述代码时出现编译错误,请确保你已经引入了 System.Linq 命名空间。
@ChatGPT 报时
zrkk 说:
@ChatGPT 使用python编写一个实时刷新抢购的程序
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC import time # 设置浏览器驱动路径 driver_path = '/path/to/chromedriver' # 创建浏览器实例 browser = webdriver.Chrome(driver_path) # 打开要抢购的网页 browser.get('https://example.com') # 等待网页加载完毕 wait = WebDriverWait(browser, 10) wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'target_element_id'))) # 循环刷新页面 while True: browser.refresh() try: # 查找目标元素是否存在 target_element = browser.find_element_by_id('target_element_id') if target_element.is_displayed(): # 如果目标元素存在并显示在页面上,则进行抢购操作 target_element.click() # 在此处加入抢购逻辑 break except: # 如果目标元素不存在或不可见,则继续刷新页面 time.sleep(1) continue # 关闭浏览器 browser.quit()
malaohu 说:
@ChatGPT 浏览器实现 登录微软账号 代码!
要实现在浏览器中登录微软账号,需要使用Microsoft的认证库,其称为 Microsoft Identity Platform。下面是一个简单的示例代码,展示如何使用该库来实现在浏览器中登录微软账号的功能:
注意:此代码需要运行在服务器环境下 (例如 Node.js),因为它需要使用一些服务器端API。
const msal = require('@azure/msal-browser'); const msalConfig = { auth: { clientId: 'your_client_id_here', authority: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000' } }; const myMSALObj = new msal.PublicClientApplication(msalConfig); async function signIn() { try { const loginRequest = { scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'user.read'] }; const authResult = await myMSALObj.loginPopup(loginRequest); console.log('Authentication Successful'); console.log(authResult); } catch (error) { console.log('Authentication Error'); console.log(error); } } signIn();
在上面的示例代码中,我们首先需要设置一些配置,例如Client ID和Authority等。Client ID是为你的应用程序提供的唯一标识符,Authority是认证服务的地址,可以使用预定义的URL来快速设置成"common"以使用默认值。 redirectUri是在认证成功后用户被重定向回的URI。
new msal.PublicClientApplication(msalConfig)
创建一个PublicClientApplication对象,并使用该对象的loginPopup方法来弹出一个登录框,要求用户输入 Microsoft 账号凭据。如果用户成功登录,我们将能够看到有关用户身份验证结果的一些信息打印到控制台中。