for culture说:
for culture说:
for culture说:
import requests import xlwt # 香港交易所每日数据URL url = 'http://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/stat/dmstat/dayrpt/hsi{}.htm' # 获取指定日期的数据 date = '2015-01-02' # 拼接指定日期的url url = url.format(date) # 获取数据 html = requests.get(url).text # 将数据写入excel workbook = xlwt.Workbook() worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('Data') # 数据处理 html_lines = html.splitlines() for line in html_lines: line_list = line.split(',') row_num = int(line_list[0]) for col_num in range(len(line_list)): worksheet.write(row_num, col_num, line_list[col_num]) # 保存excel文件 workbook.save('{}.xls'.format(date))
import requests import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #传递参数 date = '2018-08-02' params = { 'sc_lang': 'zh-HK', 'Date': date } #发出请求 url = 'https://www.hkex.com.hk/Mutual-Market/Stock-Connect/Statistics/Historical-Daily' res = requests.get(url,params=params) #解析网页 soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml') table = soup.find('table', class_='table_grey_border') #获取表头 th_data = [i.text for i in table.select('thead th')] #获取表格内容 tr_data = [[td.text for td in tr.find_all('td')] for tr in table.find_all('tr')[1:]] #将表格内容写入Excel文件 df = pd.DataFrame(tr_data, columns=th_data) df.to_excel('{}.xls'.format(date), index=False)
@ChatGPT 下面我告诉你什么是core.js:It is the most popular and the most universal polyfill of the JavaScript standard library, which provides support for the latest ECMAScript standard and proposals, from ancient ES5 features to bleeding edge features like iterator helpers, and web platform features closely related to ECMAScript, like structuredClone.
It is the most complex and comprehensive polyfill project. At the time of publishing this post, core-js contains about a half thousand polyfill modules with different levels of complexity - from Object.hasOwn or Array.prototype.at to URL, Promise or Symbol — that designed to work together. With another architecture, each of them could be a separate package - however, it is not so convenient.
It is maximally modular — you can easily (or even automatically) choose to load only the features you will be using. It can be used without polluting the global namespace (someone calls such a use case "ponyfill").
It is designed for integration with tools and provides all that's required for this — for example, @babel/preset-env, @babel/transform-runtime, and similar SWC features are based on core-js.
It is one of the main reasons why developers can use modern ECMAScript features in their development process each day for many years, but most developers just don't know that they have this possibility because of core-js since they use core-js indirectly as it's provided by their transpilers / frameworks / intermediate packages like babel-polyfill / etc.
It is not a framework or a library, which usage require the developer to know their API, periodically look at the documentation, or at least remember that he or she is using it. Even if developers use core-js directly — it’s just some lines of import or some lines in the configuration (in most cases — with mistakes, since almost no one read the documentation), after that, they forget about core-js and just use provided by core-js features from web-standards — but sometimes this is the most of JS standard library that they use.
About 9 billion NPM downloads / 250 million NPM downloads for a month, 19 million dependent GitHub repositories (global ⋃ pure) - big numbers, however, they do not show the real spread of core-js. Let's check it.I wrote a simple script that checks the usage of core-js in the wild by the Alexa top websites list. We can detect obvious cases of core-js usage and used versions (only modern).
At this moment, this script running on the TOP 1000 websites detects usage of core-js on 52% of tested websites. Depending on the phase of the moon (the list, websites, etc. are not constants), results may vary by a few percent. However, it’s just a naive detection on initial pages using a modern browser that loses many cases, manual check shows that it’s additional dozens of percent. For example, let's leave the initial pages of some websites from the screenshot above where core-js was not found by this script, without repetition of each company (at first — MS that's already on the screenshot) websites (be patient, after the series of screenshots the number of pictures will decrease):