@malaohu 大佬竟然不是排第一。
声望排行 -
Terms & Conditions- Must have a business PayPal, PayPal Cash, or PayPal Cash Plus account to maintain and use a PayPal balance.
Eligible Participant: Open only to residents of any one (1) of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia who: (1) are eighteen (18) years of age or older; (2) are holders of a U.S. personal (including PayPal, PayPal Cash and PayPal Cash Plus), premier or business PayPal account in good standing (“Valid Account”); and (3) receive an authorized email containing the invitation to participate in the offer (eligibility for/those who receive such an email will be determined solely by PayPal). (“Eligible Participant(s)”).
Offer Period: Starts at 12:00:00 a.m. ET on October 12, 2020 and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on November 15, 2020 (“Offer Period”).
Qualifying Transaction(s): Purchases of $10 USD or more made with a Valid Account using PayPal QR code functionality during the Offer Period at merchants where PayPal QR code functionality is available (“Qualifying Transaction”). Qualifying Transactions do not include: (1) any purchase made through PayPal checkout (the PayPal button), not using PayPal QR code functionality, (2) send/receive money transactions (including those marked as a “Goods and Services” payments), not using PayPal QR code functionality, (3) charitable donations, (4) purchases made using PayPal.me, and (5) PayPal Cash Mastercard, PayPal Cashback Mastercard
, PayPal Prepaid Mastercard
, PayPal Extras Mastercard
, and PayPal Business Debit Mastercard
purchases directly and not through a QR code purchase using a Valid Account. If a Qualifying Transaction is refunded, results in a failed capture, or otherwise does not complete during the Offer Period, that Qualifying Transaction will not qualify.
Reward: Once a Qualifying Transaction is successfully completed, $10 USD will be transferred to the Eligible Participant’s Valid Account (“Reward”). The Reward will be distributed shortly after your first qualifying purchase. You need to have a PayPal Cash, PayPal Cash Plus, or business PayPal account to have a balance. If you do not have one of those accounts, you can only transfer your Reward to your bank account or debit card linked to PayPal.
Miscellaneous: PayPal reserves the right to cancel, suspend or modify this offer in part or in its entirety at any time without notice, for any reason in its sole discretion. PayPal may provide an alternate reward of equal value if it is unable for any reason to fulfill the Reward. PayPal is not responsible and/or liable for any lost, stolen, late, incomplete, illegible, interrupted, delayed, or misdirected e-mail, Reward, or offer-related materials or correspondence or if any participant’s e-mail address, Valid Account, or other contact information does not work, is deleted, or is changed without participant giving prior written notice to PayPal. Offer is void where prohibited, if Qualifying Transactions are not completed through legitimate channels, or if any offer-related materials are counterfeit, fraudulent, altered, defective, tampered with or irregular in any way. Certain offers may not be transferable. Any questions relating to the offer will be resolved in PayPal’s sole discretion and its decisions related to the offer will be final and binding. -
1、 请在领取后3日内激活、使用,逾期失效
2、 参与活动的用户可领取芒果TV PC移动影视会员,数量有限,领完即止。该会员可观看专享会员内容及付费点播内容;如您领取的芒果TV账号已有正式会员时长,本次领取的会员将会延长正式会员时长。
3、 芒果TV会员领取后直接充值到该手机号对应的芒果TV账号上,用户需登录到手机端芒果TV APP上进行激活,激活后10分钟内生效,若未及时生效请手动退出账号后再登录手机号对应的芒果TV账号进行激活。
4、 3天内未登录芒果TV激活,您领取的芒果TV PC移动影视会员将失效不能再领取。
5、 本次活动每位用户限领一次,同一手机号、同一设备均视为同一用户。
6、 本次活动如有疑问,请关注微信公众号“芒果TV会员”咨询。兑换激活流程:
请在浏览器中输入网址:https://d.mgtv.com/BZSQb,登陆需要充值的账号后,粘贴卡密进行充值兑换,或微信关注公众号“芒果TV会员”,点击“会员卡兑换”或扫描下方二维码直接进入会员卡兑换页面,登陆需要充值的账号后,粘贴卡密进行充值兑换。有效期开始时间2020-12-03 00:00:00
有效期结束时间2021-02-28 23:59:59
阿里云背包活动又来了 -
新赚客吧会员邀请码4个,请勿一人多号,不要浪费.锁了吧 已经没了
本社区终于可以向 @ChatGPT 提问了!@ChatGPT 什么是“靠路吃路”问题
免费领取顺丰速递代金券 -
自己搭建盛世西游手游subin22 说:
阿里云盘:https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/2nLmiXshpwD 提取码: 35dx
90天幕布90天~ 多谢
订阅分享好像可以了,试试吧。我手机是ok的 电脑好像不行。
招行生日活动-招行手机app抽奖hokori 说:
get 1元
免费Jetbrains辅助申请 -
有什么同步用的网络云盘推荐的吗?OneDrive用过的话,自己开 开发者订阅呀,最大25T好像。