Installation ID is 0333030-5969152-0972001-8785893-2614890-3592806-9483056-7661942-9595205 (Machine Specific)
The Confirmation ID is 173982-362591-047782-207323-517584-271554-003656-892161. -
thank you -
Open Cmd with Admin and paste the following command to activate Microsoft Office 2019:cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" /actcid:471731063082700813346313476200116462645684120881
cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" /act -
@pomsin2009 Thank you!
@gmin Oh Dear!
I was not able to validate your installation ID. Please have the Activation window up on your computer screen, so you can have this number handy. The representative will need this number to help with activating your product. -
gmin 说:
PLEASE HELP ME, Thank so much!
Installation ID:
2163084-4858901-1124966-4633620-5760805-9749376-6021975-5028500-4134482CID: 239970-577892-220123-657221-497825-039643-255142-610195
set CID=239970577892220123657221497825039643255142610195
cscript slmgr.vbs /atp %CID%
cscript slmgr.vbs /ato
for /f "tokens=2,3,4,5,6 usebackq delims=:/ " %%a in ('%date% %time%') do echo %%c-%%a-%%b %%d%%e
echo DATE: %date% >status.txt
echo TIME: %time% >>status.txt
for /f "tokens=3" %b in ('cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dti') do set IID=%b
echo IID: %IID% >>status.txt
echo CID: 239970577892220123657221497825039643255142610195 >>status.txt
cscript slmgr.vbs /dli >>status.txt
cscript slmgr.vbs /xpr >>status.txt
start status.txt -
2301191 4219473 4977535 5613963 7336450 5412122 7129990 9148044 2222965Conformation id : 465941-313311-411930-161503-960974-970772-762102-165843
cscript.exe "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /atp 465941313311411930161503960974970772762102165843
cscript.exe "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /ato -
mumi 说:
Hi, any key for Office19_RTM19_ProPlus2019VL_MAK_AE
thx.Key: 6FB2N-WF9PR-BWXH9-TKJ3V-3J4XQ
Description: Office19_RTM19_ProPlus2019VL_MAK_AE
Sub Type: X21-74161
Activation Count: 0
Error Code: Call MS Support
Time: 18:53:43 15/06/2021 (GMT+7)