help me
what key? Do not comment on which software you need a key, start your publication there. Greetings
thank u so much bro u activated my windows thank u once again
adam112 说:
please give me a key
Description: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate Retail
Sub Type: X16-95496
Error Code: 0xC004C008
Time: 13:52:48 07/07/2021 (GMT+7)Copy and run in Command Prompt (Admin):
Open the command line (Administrator), paste the copied and wait a few seconds.
A text .exe file will appear automatically.cscript slmgr.vbs /upk cscript slmgr.vbs /ipk XDV4J-8RJDY-6V9VP-YKXGK-QBXC6 cscript slmgr.vbs /dti>step2.txt start step2.txt @
Provide me with your Installation ID (numbers in a line) from the text file that appears.
yahh bro friends foreverr